Residential Roofing

Residential Roofing Services


Your home's roof is designed not only to look good, but also to protect your home from the elements. You can trust the dedicated team at Wertz and Company to provide residential roofing services to keep your roof in great shape. Whether you need repairs or a completely new roof, trust us to help you find the best product for your home within your budget.


In some cases, a leak may have caused enough damage across the roof that a whole re-roofing may be necessary in order to fully remedy the issue. The inspector will be able to take into consideration the total amount of damage and extent of it to determine the best course of action.

priorityInspection & Maintenance

A simple roof inspection can often save hundreds, even thousands of dollars of damage to your home over time. Small roof leaks can quickly become larger, amplifying the amount of damage that will ensue. A regular roof inspection can help spot sections of the roof that are potential hazards or weak spots for damage to start occurring.

Why Put Soffits on Your Home?

There are many homes that do not have soffits but soffits are crucial parts of your home's over-all ventilation system. Soffits serve many practical purposes. For example, they protect the house from negative effects of extreme heat during the summer. When your soffit is damaged, it continues to rot and break down. This can cause damage to your roof and drywall materials. This causes larger problems, costing you more time money.

Properly Installed Soffits Prevent

  • Dry Rot
  • Moist Rot
  • Rodent Invasions
  • Pest Invasions
  • Falling Gutters
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